How to Mix Colors
How to Mix Your Own Colors
Primary colors cannot be made - Red, Blue, Yellow
Seafoam - 1 to 2 drops aqua and 3 drops honeydew
Green - Blue and yellow
Black - You cannot make black. To get a black candle, use black liquid candle dyes or black powered candle dyes. 20 + drops must be used
White - no color
Orange - yellow and red
Gold - 2 to 3 drops yellow to 1 drop honey golden
Pink - Simply use red, but in small quantities in your candles or beads
Ivory - Use a tiny amount of brown or a touch of gold mica power or bronze mica.
Burgundy - red and add a small amount of black (too much black makes a grayish burgundy)
Brown - yellow, blue and red
Mauve/Plum - drop of burgundy
Purple - red and blue (equal parts make a blue/red purple)
Teal - blue and green
Cinnamon - brown with a little red
Sage - green with a little brown
Navy Blue - Blue with a little black
(too much black makes it more silver blue) -
Peach - small amount of orange with a toothpick drop of pink and yellow
Hunter Green - Green with a little black added to it
(too much black makes it a silver green -
Burnt Orange - Orange with a drop or two of brown